Mustard Seed Market & Cafe presents Bringing It Home
Saturday, June 6, 3pm
Mustard Seed Market & Cafe, Highland Square, Akron, Ohio
FREE and open to the public
Post-screening Q&A
Did you know that 150 years ago, you could pay your Ohio State University tuition with your hemp crop?
During Hemp History Week, June 1-7, hemp-conscious businesses celebrate hemp’s overall health benefits to create awareness for the Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2015 and state-to-state hemp policy reform as the largest hemp educational campaign across the country.
Mustard Seed Market & Cafe is celebrating by offering in-store specials and hosting three FREE community film screenings of the award-winning Bringing It Home Movie, one at each location, during Hemp History Week.
The Hemp History Week campaign team will provide a brief policy update and a Q&A following each film screening.
For more information and to RSVP:,