Hemp History Week Celebrations: What about Hemp? Grass Valley, Calif.


California State Grange, Hempstead Project Heart and Enviro Textiles present Bringing It Home

Friday, June 5, 7pm
Banner Grange, Grass Valley, Calif.
FREE and Open to the Public

Hemp Fashion Show and Hemp Documentary
The event features a screening of the documentary film Bringing It Home: Industrial hemp, healthy houses, and a greener future for AmericaThere will be a hemp clothing fashion show hosted by Enviro Textiles, a world leader in hemp textiles. A question and answer session will follow, featuring advocates for the legalization of industrial hemp. We will have a hemp exhibit, plus local hemp businesses and organizations tabling and vending fine hemp products. Snacks and refreshments will be provided by the California State Grange.

More information: http://www.californiagrange.org/news/hemp2015.html and https://www.facebook.com/events/957618200949727/

June 05, 2015 at 7:00pm
Banner Grange
12629 McCourtney Rd
Grass Valley, CA 95945
United States
Google map and directions

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