California Cannabis Hemp Initiative 2016 presents Bringing It Home
Saturday, June 13, 2015, 3:30pm
Woodward Park Regional Library, Fresno, Calif.
FREE and open to the public
For more information, click HERE.
Industrial hemp is a non-psychoactive plant, grown in 31 other countries, that is used to make thousands of sustainable products. It offers solutions for global warming, nutrition, poverty and deforestation. Here in the U.S., hemp could be a money-making crop for farmers and create jobs. But why can’t we grow it here? Bringing It Home tells the story of hemp: past, present and future and a global industry that includes textiles, building materials, food products, bio-plastics, auto parts and more.
Learn more at Bringing It Home and about Hemp History Week.
California Cannabis Hemp Initiative 2016
CCHI2016 Fresno, we can save the planet!!
Save a tree grow HEMP!!
944 E Perrin Ave
Fresno, CA 93720
United States
Google map and directions